Selasa, 19 Mei 2009

Why Study Linguistics?

Why Study Linguistics?

A Sepik villager

2005 Field Methods class

Perhaps the most important thing we offer is training in reasoning about language, and in writing and speaking about it, which should stand you in good stead whenever rational, independent and creative thinking is valued.

An Arts degree is not a professional qualification. However, an understanding of language is useful in many jobs.

The computer, information and telecommunications industries have taken many graduates.

Some linguistics graduates become teachers, (English, foreign languages, and indigenous language teaching).

Others work as speech pathologists or audiologists, working to overcome problems with language. Others have gone into translation and interpreting.

The public service has taken many linguistics graduates, because a knowledge of how we use language, and how languages vary is important in a society as diverse as ours.

Some work in Aboriginal and Islander communities, or Pacific Island communities, or Asian communities, doing a variety of work, including teaching, working on land claims, community development, policy development.

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